Uberliss is Now a Green Circle Salon!

Clare Hennigan

In our next step towards a greener future, we are proud to announce that the Uberliss Test Salon is now officially a part of Green Circle Salons!

Green Circle works with salons across the US and Canada to divert salon waste. Instead of throwing out used foils, color tubes, and other packaging, those items will now be sorted based on material and sent to Green Circle to be recovered and repurposed.

According to Green Circle Salons, between hair clippings, hair color, foils, color tubes, paper, and plastic, there is an average of 421,206 pounds of waste generated daily. Since 2009 Green Circle Salons has diverted 3,351,337 pounds of waste resources and forecasts indicate in 2019 alone they will double their waste resources recovered to 2,000,000 pounds.

So how does Green Circle work? All hair clippings, color tubes, used foils and paper and plastic used in the Uberliss salon will now be recycled. Hair clippings can be changed into hair booms for oil spill cleanup, hair color will be turned into clean water and clean energy to be injected into local power grids, and foils and color tubes will be cleaned and repurposed into materials for commercial use.

With today’s age of GREEN & ECO-RESPONSIBILITY, the new buzz words in business are changing us for the better!  We are very excited to take our industry in a new direction with exceptional standards of environmental accountability.  The beauty industry poses many challenges to the environment, from sourcing of ingredients to disposal of packaging and products. Through our alignment with Green Circle Salons, we hope to ameliorate our ecological footprint by implementing simple green changes that will make both our salon, and our industry, more sustainable. 

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Green Circle Salons. Next time you’re near the Uberliss HQ in Melrose Park, IL., be sure to stop by! Make your next salon visit a sustainable one.  

Sustainably yours,

Clare Hennigan


About Green Circle Salons

Green Circle Salons is a company that provides a simple but powerful green strategy to help salons reduce their environmental footprint and get noticed by consumers looking for genuine green options. We offer a proven pathway for salons to achieve success in the short term and be sustainable into the future. We believe that small steps to transform each salon, with the help of customers and employees, over time, will make that green conversion possible and sustainable. We offer an eco‐systems approach that looks at recycling, energy, lighting, water, cleaning products and the re‐purposing of hair‐ all parts of the salon experience. To do this, we have our own branded services, but also work with best‐of‐class green product and service suppliers.

We are also committed to giving back up to 5% of pre‐tax profits to work with local and international organizations to develop and support programs that make creative environmental impact and lessons for positive change.

Visit www.greencirclesalons.com for more information

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